Sunday, May 4, 2014

ErgoBaby 360

After being unable to use our old carrier that did not offer much support with my first daughter, I decided to upgrade after my second daughter was born. You know me, I have been researching and researching, and decided that I would try the Ergo Baby 360. For years, the Ergo has been heralded as one of the best carriers, but they had taken a stand on forward facing, and refused to make a carrier that was approved for it. Recently, Ergo came out with the new 360 carrier that has a patent-pending design that allows the child to sit facing forward! The child is in what looks like a seated position, instead of crotch dangling in cheaper, less supportive carriers.

I found a great deal on this carrier IN THE STORE!! Yes, I actually found a place that had one in stock! Because they flew out of the online store the day they were released, I was skeptical that I would find it. Not only did I find it, but I was able to use a 20% off coupon as well! Yes, I LOVE COUPONS.  Both my husband and I tried it on in the store, and we loved it right away!

Because I have had issues with my tailbone since my first daughter was born, I was very worried that it would be more of the same and I would be unable to carry her. The Ergo 360 is like wearing nothing--it makes my 15 lb, 6 month old feel soooo light! I would highly recommend this carrier....The only thing I would change about it is giving it a patterned design, but my guess is that is coming. I went with the black/tan combo as I felt it went with most of the clothes I have. With the summer upcoming, I will let you know how hot the carrier gets if it ever gets warm here! (This Chicago weather has been horrible!)

Ergo 360--4.5/5

LG Smart HDTV 47 inch

It's TV time again! We decided not to replace another bulb in our old TV and we now have a new LG Smart HD TV.  The picture is so bright and the colors are very vibrant. The TV easily connected to our home network over WIFI. This makes it easy to watch movies using Amazon Prime, and also use the internet on the TV. Now, the 47 inch TV is smaller than the one we had, but the picture is by far better! The only negative I will say is that I feel like I have to turn it louder than I had to turn my other TV, but that doesn't really matter. The sound is crisp and clear. We have a window near the TV and do not feel as if it is hard to see the picture, which is an issue we had before with our old TV. I am very happy with this purchase and would definitely consider LG again. It has a great price point, and a brilliant picture. Since my kiddos get to watch this TV every now and then, I wanted to make sure it was something that would last a while. We have no regrets with this purchase, and thank our good friend at ABT for helping us with the purchase.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Recycled Granite Split Stone!!

I have found the most perfect NEW product! I know many of you, like me, like to try new things.  This is super new and unbelievably beautiful! Basically, we are recycling granite countertop scraps into beautiful tiles. I am going to be installing them this weekend, so I will let you know how it goes and I will post pictures. I can't wait to show you!

Hellman's Mayo with Olive Oil

Check out my review of this new product on ExpoTV!

I hope you like the new website format!

Thank you for your patience as I change over to Blogger.  This seems like it will be a lot easier for you to view and comment or ask questions.  Thanks again!

Sharp 70 inch TV

Ok Moms! The Sharp 70 Inch Aquos television is this weeks product! Yes, I know, it sounds large, but Choo Choo Soul and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse are even more appreciated on the 70 inch platform! This is another item that is good for the kids, for you, and for your husband.  The color is unbelievable! The Aquos 732 model has an added yellow in it which brightens everything. There are many settings including movies, video games, and my husbands favorite--the football setting.  When we first purchased the item, the size of the box about scared me off.  The first day we hung the TV, I said it was great but it was too big.  Within one week, I was wishing we had the 80 inch! My only complaint is that the manual is HUGE! In order to get the best out of your TV, you should really go over the manual.  The sound on the TV is also very good.  I tested the TV using the movie-"Avatar".  I feel like this is a perfect tester film as it has a great picture and great sound effects.  It was amazing! Sometimes the setting you have it on can cause everything to look very "live", I call it Soap Opera Mode.  My husband found the way to adjust that (by reading the manual believe it or not!) and now it is perfect. I would highly recommend this tv if you have a space large enough for it. You should have a room where you can sit about 14 feet from it.  The next step is to mount it. When I find a mount that is strong enough, and I feel will be safe enough, I will review that as well.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


The first must-have as a Mom is a vacuum.  Between pets and children it is necessary to have a great vacuum.  The product that I can't live with out is the LG Kompressor upright LuV300B.  This vacuum is bagless and it gathers up all of the debris in the main container.  Because of the mini-windshield wiper in the container, the dust and particles form a clump.  When you then go to throw it all away, it comes out solid and dust does not get everywhere.  After using our old vacuum, we used this to see what it would collect.  It is AMAZING with dog hair!  I highly recommend this for Moms out there who are looking for an investment that will pay off daily.  It also has a fantastic warranty!  I did so much research before I chose this vacuum.  It is a little pricey, but it actually works better than the Dyson, which has so often been the one people look to right away.  You can purchase this item at Home Depot or online. It is definitely worth the money.....Check it out!